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'Hales' stock a wide range of heavyside building materials suitable for both tradesmen and DIY enthusiasts.
Visit the Lower Yard for Bricks and Blocks, Sand & Gravel, Paving, Lintels, Manhole Covers, Metal Work and Drainage.
Visit the Customer Service Centre in our Upper Yard for large stocks of Cement & Cement Mixers, Plaster & Plasterboard, Beading & Scrims, Lime & Bonding, Adhesives & Coving, Doors, Rainwater Goods, Roofing Connectors and Ladders.

Washed Plastering Sand

Red Building Sand

Yellow Building Sand

Channel Sand

Flooring/screeding sand

Red/Yellow Mixed Sand

4mm Stonedust

Chippings 14mm to dust

20mm (3/4'') Gravel

10mm (3/8'') Clean Chippings

20mm (3/4'') Clean Chippings

40mm Clean Chippings

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